Lifesaving Support for Our Most Special Residents

Yana's Special Feline Fund

Aurora's Special Canine Fund
Success Stories
These are photos of dogs and cats who have found their forever homes, thanks to the support of Yana’s “Special” Felines Fund and Aurora’s “Special” Canines Fund. Each of these animals received the extra care and assistance they needed to start a new chapter in their lives, and we are grateful to Carol Meal and everyone else who has contributed to these funds. Your generosity has helped give these special animals the chance to experience the love and comfort they deserve. Thank you for making a difference!
Adopted Cats
Adopted Dogs
Carol's Story
Carol Meal’s Legacy of Compassion
Carol Meal’s love for animals began early in her life, and after retiring in 2017, she adopted a special 13-year-old cat named Yana. Yana had been surrendered multiple times due to circumstances beyond her control, and Carol was moved by the thought that this sweet senior cat might struggle to find a home. Over the next six years, Yana transformed from a shy, reserved cat into a loving, affectionate companion. Despite Carol’s best efforts, Yana unfortunately lost her battle to kidney disease in 2023 at the age of 19.
Inspired by her experience with Yana, Carol worked with Animal Friends to create Yana’s “Special” Felines Fund to help cover the costs of adopting and caring for cats with special needs, giving them the extra support they need to find loving homes.
But Carol’s commitment didn’t stop there. She found herself wishing to extend the same opportunities to special dogs that she had for special cats at Animal Friends. In honor of her neighbor's little white dog, she created Aurora’s “Special” Canines Fund. This counterpart to Yana’s fund also provides assistance for the adoption and care of dogs with special needs or health challenges, helping them find the loving homes they deserve.

