H2H Rehoming Program

The best place for a pet is at with a loving family.

At Animal Friends, we believe the best place for a pet is with a loving family. Our H2H Rehoming program offers an alternative to surrendering by allowing families to actively participate in rehoming their pets.

This helps keep pets in their homes while awaiting adoption, allowing us to assist more animals even when our kennels are full.

The animals listed below are available for adoption through their current families. If interested, contact the owner using the details in their profile. The owner may request a separate application, vet references, home visits, or other information to ensure a good match.

Animal Friends is not responsible for adoptions through our H2H Rehoming Adoption program.

dog hug home 2 home

Place Your Pet

To place your pet up for adoption through our H2H Rehoming program, complete this form and send it to our Admissions team. In order to be placed on our website, you must provide us with a photo and biography of your pet by emailing it to AdmissionsInfo@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org.


H2H - Ahri
H2H - Ellie
H2H - Alouette
H2H - Jack
H2H Sokka
H2H Cups and Mika 3
H2H Todd


H2H, Winston
H2H Pipsqueak 1
H2H - Lucy
H2H - Ivy
H2h - Magoo
H2H - Sassy
H2H - Skooter
H2H - Hank and William
H2H Mama Faye-and-Kittens
H2H - Hiei
H2H - Mama Grey
H2H - Bandit
H2H Dixie-Daphne-Duke
H2H - Katie
H2H Steve 1
H2H Carly 2
H2H Oreo 4


No rabbits are available at this time.